Catching Seamen in Mouth Gif Funny

Did you hear about the gay whale bothering the Navy?

It bit the head off a submarine and sucked all the seamen out...

Why Do They Call Camels The Ships Of The Desert?

Because of Arab seamen inside of them.

What does a gay Kraken eat?


Seamen joke, What does a gay Kraken eat?

Why were the other fish calling the shark gay?

He swallowed all of the seamen.

Why can't ovaries sail a boat?

Because they are not sea-men.

What's the worst part about running a gay pirate ship?

There's always seamen on your poopdeck!


Why do navy men marry virgins? Because loose lips sink ships.

Seamen joke, Seamen

*dirty* thought of this at work. What do alcohalics and navymen have in common?

The both go to a bar to drink seamen under the table for free booze.

What's big, solid and filled with seamen?

A submarine.

What do the Bermuda Triangle and a blonde have in common?

They both swallow a lot of seamen.

What do a pornstar and Godzilla have in common?

They've both swallowed boatloads of seamen.

You can explore seamen ship reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean seamen ferry dad jokes. There are also seamen puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

What does a Nymphomaniac Mermaid crave for?


Had that been US Navy personnel stopping the terrorist on the train...

...there would have been seamen all over him.

Admirals daughter

She was only the Admirals daughter, but her naval base was always full of seamen.

What do you call a random selection of sailors?

A seamen sample

What's big and round and full of seamen?

Your mom

Seamen joke, What's big and round and full of seamen?

Why couldn't the pornstar join the navy?

There was too much seamen.

Why did the hotel refuse hospitality to the Navy?

They didn't want their rooms covered with seamen.

*nsfw* How do you measure gay seamen? *nsfw*

By the buttload

Why does ISIS call camels "Ships of the Desert"?

Because they are full of ISIS seamen.

No, in your endo.

If the pun is the flagship of English humour, then innuendo is the seamen all over it.

What is a shark's guilty pleasure?

A mouth full of seamen.

did you hear about the gay, cannibal pirate?

apparently, he loved the taste of seamen.

Why did the female pirate turn lesbian?

Because she did not like sea-men.

I asked my mother why she stopped working the wharf after 30 years...

She told me, "I got tired of the tasteless seamen."

TIL The most successful pirate captain ever was a Chinese prostitute who controlled 1,500 ships and had over 80,000 sailors working for her

I bet she knew how to handle seamen.

Who named the Sperm Whales?


What did the killer whale do when the boat came?

Swallowed all the seamen

What's long and hard and is full of seamen?

Naval college

Why did the sailor think his wife was cheating on him?

Because his boat was filled with seamen.

I like my women like I like my boats

Big, white and full of seamen

I like my women like I like my coast guard ship

Coming quickly and filled with seamen.

How do sperm whales get their food?

They go under the ship, make a hole and suck out all the seamen.

What do you fill an Old Navy with?

Old seamen...

What is the similarity between Madeleine McCann and a submarine?

Both are at the bottom of the ocean and full of sea-men

A Captain walks into a Lesbian bar...

and asks the bartender

"is this place seamen friendly?"

Why does the Navy wear white?

It makes the loads of seamen harder to see

What do Bermuda triangele and blondes have in common?

They've both swallowed a lot of Seamen.

Why can't you send sailors through the mail?

You try explaining to the postman why you have a load of seamen for him.

I heard Irma swallowed a record amount of seamen

That hurricane is terrifying

What's Long and Hard and full of seamen?

The Pacific theatre of WW2!

What's long, hard, wet, and full of seamen?

A ship.

What's the most popular job in Djibouti?


I wouldn't join the navy.

Seamen everywhere.

Why did he open his boat store near a sperm banks?

He was looking for seamen

[Year = 2000] What's the difference between Monica Lewinsky and the Russian Navy?

Monica Lewinsky saves her Se[a]men.

How did the whale get pregnant off the submarine?

Snapped it in half, and sucked up all the sea-men

Why is boat masculine in French?

It carries seamen

What's the difference between Madeleine Mccann and a submarine?

Nothing, now. They're both at the bottom of the ocean, full of seamen.

How are the Titanic and my socks alike?

They're both full of dead seamen

What does Titanic disaster and your moms dietary plan have in common?

Lots of drowned seamen.

What do you call a group of sailors coming out?


How do boats reproduce if they are all girls?

They are covered in seamen.

Why was the shark eating pineapples?

Because it makes seamen taste better.

What's long, hard, and filled with seamen?

A submarine

Why is it so easy for girls in the navy to get pregnant?

Because there's so many seamen.

I'm considering a career change to global boating logistics... when people ask what I do, I can say that I spread my seamen all over the world.

A sub, a sub, and a sub all have different meanings.

One is full of meat, one full of Seamen, and another is full of reposts.

What's the difference between a prostitute and The Bermuda Triangle.

There isn't one. They're both wet when your in them and swallow lots of seamen.

Why did the nun go to confession after sailing?

The boat was full of seamen.

The Ex

I used to go out with an Admirals daughter, it didn't last long as her naval base was always full of seamen.

Why is the Kraken gay?

Because he eats seamen

What does a kraken and a prostitute have in common?

Both of their bellies are full of seamen.

Why are ships referred to as "She"?

Because they are filled with seamen.

Seamen never laugh at my puns.

They're just too littoral.

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